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Copyright Law

We protect intellectual property.

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Attorney for copyright law

Those who protect copyright law such as LHR – Law Firm for Brands, Media, Reputation – safeguard the rights of individuals and companies whose business relies on intellectual property or the development thereof.

We research violations of rights, file for injunctive relief and secure appropriate compensation for damages, all the while utilizing the experience that we, as a specialized law firm have accumulated over many years generally in industrial property protection and specifically in copyright law. Good copyright law attorneys have a special relationship to their clients with a distinct appreciation for art, artists and art objects.

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LHR ensures a quick an precise course of action

Our clients are creative people who come from economic, cultural, political and social walks of life. Ensuring that their copyrights are not used by individuals, groups or businesses who are not entitled to do so is a matter of importance to them. We place a particular emphasis on protecting the rights of photographers, graphic designers, copywriters and shop operators.

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“Ignorance of the law is no excuse”

We pursue negligent and intentional theft of photos and graphical material, locate those responsible and take care of appropriate compensation for damages. The intellectual creations of writers are found in virtually all media formats, as are the visual works of images and graphical designs. Texts are intellectual property and anyone who uses someone else’s texts is held responsible, even if the person was unaware of the origin of the text, incorrectly judged the situation or if the original author as such is unrecognized.

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Stealing ideas is particularly easy online

Our clients also include businesses that are large-scale rights holders, such as photo agencies, publishers, newspapers, news portals and shops. As a result, LHR has developed a great affinity for the internet. The theft of intellectual property is especially easy online and has taken on unmanageable numbers. That makes it even harder to locate and track down illegally released material, submit proof of evidence and calculate the resulting damages.

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The attorneys of LHR are in demand from specialist publications – both national and international. Here LHR partner Arno Lampmann provides his opinion to Bloomberg BNA about a ruling by the European Court of Justice about doubling or even threefold increase of the appropriate payment for copyright law violations (“Punitive Damages Could Come to German Copyright Cases”) 

The attorneys of LHR are experts in their fields

A special expertise is called for, which we possess as specialist attorneys for industrial property protection. Because of the distinctive interconnectivity of our fields of law, we can also incorporate aspects of trademark and competition law into proceedings for copyright law infringements. In this way, we always achieve optimal results for the LHR clients. The procedural enforcement and defense of claims arising out of competition law is difficult in light of the short statutes of limitation and urgency and numerous special provisions. Not infrequently, these claims fail out of formal reasons, despite a clear-cut legal situation. Additionally, the vast majority of disputes falling under competition law are decided and settled in summary proceedings through preliminary injunctions. That is why speed and precision is highly critical.

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Rapid protection of evidence and legal rights

From the start, the LHR experts will ensure that evidence is promptly recorded and preserved in order to be able to submit an effective claim against the infringer. If necessary, a petition for a preliminary injunction will be filed. Upon demand, the injunction order can be submitted to the court within hours and already executed on the opponent during the next day.

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Consistent and measured legal action

It is important to keep a sense of proportion when asserting clear legal positions. It is not necessary to use the warning letter bludgeon at all times and in all situations – for example, against individual bloggers and small merchants. Settling amicably with a previous infringer will often put the creative person in a good light. However, if the infringement stems from large businesses that clearly want to profit from someone else’s work, there is no reason not to assert one’s rights as forcefully as possible.

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Counter-attack is the best defense

It is part and parcel of the daily work at LHR to examine the behavior of an opponent for legality upon receipt of a warning letter. Whoever attacks our clients will have their actions measured according to the same standards. If appropriate, we will also submit a protective brief – if necessary, within the hour – to all courts that are pertinent in light of the attack.

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Because the attorneys of LHR undergo regular advanced training and, in particular, are active in the forensic activities of by now several thousand legal proceedings (frequently of multiple instances), they are at all times up to date. LHR is considered to be one of the leading law firms in Germany, both in the assertion of rights and in the defense against attacks.


LHR partner Arno Lampmann has made a name for himself by virtue of his extensive experience not only in practice but also as an author. He is a writer for Legal Tribune Online (LTO) and the author of the piece “Procedural peculiarities of the Law of Unfair Competition” in the legal standard work, “Multimedia-Rights” (Hoeren/Sieber/ Holznagel).

Attorneys protect rights owners and obtain compensation for damages for copyright law violations

Creators can effectively defend themselves against infringements to their rights and demand compensation. By using appropriate means, you actively protect yourself and

  • prevent the continued unlawful distribution of your work,
  • will be compensated for damages incurred,
  • show that you can defend yourself against future attacks.

The injuring party is not only liable for the attorney fees but will generally also have to pay an appropriate compensation.

LHR resolutely prosecutes copyright theft and uses the experience gained from over 5,000 successful instances of rights protection

  • LHR protects you against infringements of your intellectual property
  • LHR defends your claims following copyright law violations
  • LHR locates the guilty parties and confronts them with the consequences of their actions both in judicial and extra-judicial proceedings
  • LHR supports you with the aid of all procedural possibilities, preferably with a preliminary injunction
  • LHR defends you against warning letters of competitors
  • LHR verifies that your opponent is acting in a legal manner

Arno Lampmann, founder of the firm, partner and specialist attorney for industrial property protection: “In our opinion, when businesses clearly seek to profit from someone else’s intellectual property, there is no reason not to assert one’s rights as forcefully as possible – which is what we do for our clients.”

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Practical handbook for enforcing claims in competition law

2nd, completely revised and updated edition

Arranged chronologically, differentiated structure, numerous cross-references and, brand new: Extensive practical information on every process situation.

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