Multiple awards.

Focus Markenrecht


Great platform or physician pillory?

Comparison portals are a practical thing. Whether it’s health insurance, a hotel or a restaurant, you can browse through the offers and compare price, performance and rating. And since 2007, such a comparison has also been possible for doctors: JAMEDA.

Download now for free

Our LHR guide JAMEDA answers the following 10 questions, among others:

  • Can I have my Jameda profile deleted?
  • Are anonymous ratings allowed?
  • Is the physician allowed to comment (publicly) on reviews?
  • When must a rating be deleted by Jameda?
  • At what point is Jameda liable for negative reviews?
  • Is it possible to have only the Jameda rating deleted?
  • How do you successfully take action against a Jameda rating?
  • Does Jameda also have to pay the lawyer’s fees?
  • I would like to have my rating deleted. Do I have to get a lawyer involved? Will the legal expenses insurance pay?

Everybody Wants to Rule the World: Effective use of trademark law requires quick and careful planning and execution.

Birgit Rosenbaum

Birgit Rosenbaum

Specialist attorney for industrial property rights

When the Going Gets Tough, the Tough Get Going: LHR often comes into play when others are at a loss.

Arno Lampmann

Arno Lampmann

Specialist attorney for industrial property rights

Don’t You (Forget About Me): Reputation is the most important asset of a company and must be maintained and defended accordingly - online and offline.

Dr. Niklas Haberkamm

Dr. Niklas Haberkamm


Practical handbook for enforcing claims in competition law

2nd, completely revised and updated edition

Arranged chronologically, differentiated structure, numerous cross-references and, brand new: Extensive practical information on every process situation.

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